
Revolutionary strategies and top notch pizza marketing ideas

Revolutionary Strategies: Top-Notch Pizza Marketing Ideas

Are you a pizzeria owner wondering how to slice through the competition and boost your revenue with effective pizza marketing ideas? You’re not alone. In this age of digital dominance, curating a winning recipe for promoting your pizza restaurant is essential.  No matter how good your crust or sauce is, you’ll need a digital edge […]

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Restaurant surcharges a restaurateurs guide

Restaurant Surcharges: Definition, Types, and Regulations

Despite the price hike and inflation-related changes in the industry, restaurant surcharges are the silver lining that helped restaurant owners provide reasonable prices for services and food. These charges include tips, corkage, health insurance, credit card-based payments, and even a glass of potable water. Some customers may shake their heads in dismay because of this. 

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Virtual Menus 10 Advantages of Using Them In Restaurants 4

Virtual Menus: 10 Advantages of Using Them in Restaurants

Virtual menus are in demand among restaurant owners as they reshape how customers engage with restaurant offerings, streamline the workforce, and provide seamless and interactive dining experiences. 88% out of 500 respondent restaurants implied that they were switching to digital menus during the Wakefield Research Poll in 2020.  So, rather than offering paper menus that

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